Organic & Hybrid Electronics Device Laboratory (OHEDL)
Asymmetric Non-fullerene Acceptor with Low Energy Loss for high-performance organic solar cells (Indo-Russia, DST-International Multilateral Regional Cooperation Division, 2024-2027, Ongoing)
Machine Learning Framework for the Development of Highly Efficient Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells (SERB, DST, 2023-2026, Ongoing)
Development of Non-invasive Wearable Electrocardiogram Monitor Based on Polymer-Ionic Liquid Transient Photocells (SERB, DST, 2022-2025, Ongoing)
Strategic University Network to Revolutionise Indian Solar Energy (SUNRISE, PI, EPSRC, U. K., DST, Completed)
Raising Organic Solar Cell Efficiency through Systematic Manipulation and Control of Film Morphology and Internal Built-in Potential with Electrotropic Additives and Electric Field Poling. (SERB-DST, PI, 2019-2021, Completed)
Towards an understanding of photophysics and electronic transport properties in perovskite solar cells for better efficiency and service lifetime, (CSIR, PI, 2020-2021 Completed)
Graphene assisted growth of single crystal organic nanostructures and their application for energy harvesting, (IRD, IIT Delhi, PI, 2019-2021, Completed)​
Development of Ultrafast Photo-detector and AC Solar Cell Based on Electric Double Layer Assisted Transient Opto-Electronic Conversion at Semiconductor-Ionic Liquid Interfaces, (IRD-FIRP, PI, 2020-2022, Completed)
Development of fused polyaromatics/heteroaromatics libraries for improved optoelectronic properties, (IRD-FIRP, Co-PI, Completed (2018-2019)
Fabrication of Organic-Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductor (MCS) Composite for Applications in Photovoltaics (PV) Technologies. (DST, PI, Completed 2017-2018)