Organic & Hybrid Electronics Device Laboratory (OHEDL)
Lab development: Organic & Hybrid Electronic Device Laboratory (OHEDL):
My vision is to establish a world class state-of-art laboratory at CES, IIT Delhi where a device physicist can join hand with material scientists and chemists to explore new dimensions for next generation solar cells and other electronic devices. I have already set up a laboratory named “Organic & Hybrid Electronic Device Laboratory (OHEDL)” in this regard. The devices studied in my group include polymer, perovskite and quantum dot based photovoltaic devices, photodiodes for light detection, noninvasive wearable sensors etc. Few pictures of laboratory and facility development are shown below.
Major facilities developed:
Fabrication facility:
1. Thermal Deposition System: Co-Evaporation and
Sequential Multilayer Deposition for metal and semiconductors
2. Large area ultrasonic spray pyrolysis unit
3. Fume hood integrated in situ spin coaters with IR curing
4. Table top two port glove box with integrated spin coater
5. Quantum-Dot (QD) synthesis facilities: Muffle and tube furnaces
6. High temperature furnace with vacuum oven
7. UV-Ozone cleaner
8. Glove box integrated Spin coater system
Characterization facility:
1. AAA Solar simulator with IV and IPCE measurement set up
2. UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer
3. Impedance analyzer
4. Transient photocurrent and photovoltage (TPC/TPV) measurement set up
5. Optical microscope
6. Table top PL measurement setup
Old days (2018): Everything starts with one step, or one brick, or one word or one day.... !!

Current Look :
OPV and sensor lab :

Perovskite lab :